Needlework Tools

Victorian Sewing Box Rosewood with the Original Green Silk Liner, with a set of six MOP reel holders, and ivory tape measured other tools.

1. Early 1800’s Tortoiseshell Needle Case Depicted on page 97 of Nerylla Taunton book of "antique needle work tools and embroideries”: 2. Early1800's Dieppe Ivory Needle book 3.Victorian Vegetable Ivory Thimble Case 4.Early 1800’s ‘Dieppe’ Ivory Pin Cushion 5. Victorian Ivory Parasol Needle Case 6.Early 1800’s Ivory Pea Needle Case

19th C Lace Cushion

Edwardian Silver Plate Boot Pin Cushion

Aventurine Glass (Set of 12) Waist Coat Studs

Victorian Tortoise Shell Covered Box with a Silk Lining with Sterling Silver Needlecraft Tools